At Home Sleep Apnea Test pixel tags (631) 983-6664

At Home Diagnostic Solution

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Get Answers From the Comfort of your Home!

We’re excited to offer our patients the ability to get a complete diagnosis from the comfort of their own home. First, we’ll review of your medical history and go through a thorough overview of your symptoms and their impact on your life.

Then, our OSA team will verify your health insurance and coverage options. Luckily, most health insurance policies cover sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment! If for any reason you’re not fully covered, we’ll discuss our other financial options. 

Finally, you’ll be given a take home sleep apnea test with detailed instructions on how to use it. After your take home test is completed, you’ll have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Brown to review your results and treatment options. 

This is the best next step in understanding exactly what you’re suffering from. It’s easy to get started! Schedule your Complimentary Sleep Consultation Today! 

Table Of Contents
    Schedule Your Sleep Consultation!

    Our Silent Night Sleep Team strives to provide patients with top-quality care that is fast and reliable, while keeping convenience and comfort in mind. This is why we offer the Night Owl Mini Home Sleep Test.

    Here’s what makes the Night Owl Home Sleep Test unique:

    • It is the world’s smallest sleep apnea diagnostic tool.
    • It’s made with no wires, no cords, and no cannulas. You simply place the device on your finger with medical tape and it’s ready to go!
    • It offers 100 hours of recording which allows for easy follow-up efficacy testing.
    • It connects to an app on your phone via Bluetooth where all your sleep data is logged.
    • It is disposable so that you don’t have to worry about cleanliness or returning the device.
    • The turnaround time for results is only 48 hours so that we can get you treated as soon as possible!
    • Night Owl is in-network with multiple insurance providers, which means the test will likely be covered by insurance. If the test is not covered, the cost will be minimal (about $250 dollars in the worst-case scenario).

    Sleep apnea can be scary but testing and treatment doesn’t have to be!

    hands holding something

    Take our quick, easy, 3-minute evaluation and find out if you could be suffering from sleep apnea!

    If you’re suffering from poor quality sleep, you could be suffering from sleep apnea. This condition is serious, and needs to be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible to reduce the negative impacts on your life and health!