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Sleep - Successful Weight Loss Aid

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Sleep Successful Weight Loss Aid ImageSleep affects every part of our lives, from how we feel to how we perform at work. But did you know that sleep can even affect your goals, like losing weight? It’s true. The amount and quality of sleep you get can impact your weight loss.

If you’re working to meet your weight loss goals but sleep issues are getting in the way, contact the sleep specialists of Silent Night Therapy today. We offer a complimentary consultation to answer your questions and help you find solutions that work for you. For your free session, call us at 631-983-2463 or use our online form to get in touch.

Table Of Contents

    Sleep’s Effects on Metabolism

    Sleep - Successful Weight Loss Aid

    Weight loss depends on many factors, including diet and exercise. But your metabolism plays an important role too. Your metabolism is responsible for converting calories into energy. That, in turn, helps your body take the food you eat and turn it into tissues like muscle and fat.

    But when you don’t get enough sleep, your metabolism can be disrupted. Researchers have found that sleep deficiencies, such as not enough time spent sleeping or low-quality sleep, can directly affect your metabolism. This can lead to chronic disease, obesity, and other weight regulation issues.

    A disrupted metabolism could cause your body to hold onto the fat tissue you’re trying to lose. But quality sleep can help you reset your metabolism and move towards your goals.

    Energy Levels and Sleep

    Exercise is an important part of many weight loss plans. And it can help you get better sleep at night. But what if you aren’t sleeping enough or getting the quality of sleep that you need? That can lead to lower energy during the day, leading to trouble meeting your weight loss goals.

    For most of us, getting exercise can be challenging. But that’s even more true when we don’t have the energy we need. We may feel lethargic and unmotivated to get the activity we need for weight loss.

    Sleep is a cornerstone of feeling energetic and refreshed each morning. By getting enough rest each night, you’re setting yourself up for an active day that could support your weight loss goals.

    Sleep Can Affect Your Appetite and Your Hormones

    Sleep - Successful Weight Loss AidDuring sleep, the body repairs damage to tissues, restores energy, and regulates important hormones throughout your body. And those hormones can impact your appetite and your food cravings. When hormones are out of balance, that could hurt your ability to lose fat and achieve your weight loss goals.

    One of the most important hormones involved in appetite is called leptin. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, leptin works to suppress appetite and boost your metabolism. Getting poor quality sleep, or not enough sleep, can decrease leptin levels, disrupting your appetite and your metabolism.

    But the problems don’t stop there. Sleep is also an important tool for regulating other hormones tied to weight loss. These include hormones such as ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone that your body uses to increase appetite and to let you know when you need to eat. Elevated ghrelin levels can make you feel hungry and could lead to overeating.

    Given what we know about these two hormones, the consequences of not getting enough sleep are clear. Sleep is linked to hormone regulation, and these hormones are directly related to how hungry you feel. Poor sleep could mean an increased appetite, even when your body doesn’t need the calories.

    Sleep and Your Weight Loss Goals

    Sleep Successful Weight Loss Aid Image 2Losing weight can be challenging but sleep can be an important tool for achieving your goals. It can help you regulate your metabolism, build energy for the coming day, and even help control your appetite. That’s why it’s so important to get the sleep you need when you’re trying to lose weight.

    These tips can help you get a good night’s rest and help you achieve your weight loss goals:

    • Turn off devices. In the modern world, we tend to live in front of screens. But those screens can cause problems. They can keep us alert when we shouldn’t be and light from them can even disrupt the production of important sleep hormones like melatonin. Prior to sleep, put down devices, turn off the TV and let yourself have some time to naturally fall asleep.
    • Get to bed at a regular time. With so many entertainment options at our fingertips, it’s also easy to stay up too late. That can shorten our nights of sleep and deprive us of the rest we need. By getting to bed at a regular time you can set yourself up for weight loss success.
    • Keep your room dark, quiet, and comfortable. A good night’s sleep depends on the right conditions. Minimize any lights or screens, do what you can to reduce noise, and maintain a comfortable sleeping temperature during the night. By following these tips, you can help yourself get the sleep you need.
    • Find the right pillow and mattress. When it comes to sleep, too many people don’t have the equipment they need. They may not realize how important their mattress and pillows are, or they may not feel they’re worth spending money on. This simply isn’t true. A good pillow and mattress can be essential parts of a good night’s sleep.
    • Talk with a doctor about any problems you have sleeping. Sometimes issues like sleep apnea and breathing problems can prevent you from getting the sleep you need. But a doctor can listen to you and provide the tools you need to get quality rest.

    Get in Touch with Silent Night Therapy Today

    Weight loss can be challenging, but quality sleep could help you meet your goals. If poor sleep is holding you back, contact the sleep specialists at Silent Night Therapy today. We offer a complimentary consultation and we’re ready to help you get the sleep you deserve.

    For your complimentary appointment, call us at 631-983-2463 or use our online form to get in touch now.